Almost 1 million South African Deaf people use South African Sign Language (SASL) as their primary means of communication as often they cannot speak, read nor read lips in any of the eleven official spoken/textual languages. This multi-ethnic group comprises Deaf South Africans who are largely


Baobab LIMS is an African-led innovation that was developed as part of the B3Africa consortium. It is an affordable sample and laboratory management tool for biobanking that has been implemented in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), which previously (due in part to financial constraints)

The technology is capable of treating high-temperature wastewater as a membrane for removing oil from wastewater One of the key challenges with membrane filtration devices is the issue of fouling and concentration gradient build-up on the surface of the membrane, which subsequently decreases its


Connecting Communities Zenzeleni is a solar-powered, community-owned Wifi telecommunications network solution providing affordable communications to remote rural areas. Through the use of wireless mesh networking, users are able to make free internal voice-over IP calls, while the cost of breakout