SDG Intro

Goal 3: Good health & well-being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Many more people today are living healthier lives than in the past decade. Nevertheless, people are still suffering needlessly from preventable diseases, and too many are dying prematurely. Overcoming disease and ill health will require concerted and sustained efforts, focusing on population groups and regions that have been neglected.


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University of Cape Town

Hysteroscopy is a procedure that requires the direct visualization of the uterine cavity to diagnose and treat abnormal uterine conditions. Health professionals regard it as the gold‑ standard for...

University of Cape Town

Our invention consists of an array of Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors that are synchronized with one another. The IMU sensors measure the inertia and position of the subject within a space...

University of Cape Town

The nucleus of a cell is central to the well-being of any living organism. It stores and organises information from other cellular components and protects this information. It communicates...

University of Cape Town


Various cancers, including gynecological cancers, are becoming resistant or insensitive to platinum-based chemotherapy and consequently higher dosages are required to be effective...

University of South Africa

This technology relates to the transdermal treatment of diabetes. In particular, to a formulation for the transdermal delivery of the photoactive antidiabetic agent diosgenin that is encapsulated and...

University of South Africa

The innovation is the rational combination of ezetimibe and curcumin for the treatment of colon cancer- which means one can apply a cancer therapeutic, orally. This would have significant value to the...

University of South Africa

A mobile application to facilitate the efficient delivery of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) which are dependent on a multi-embedded supply chain coordination for the distribution of...

University of Cape Town

Immortalized cell lines have been used extensively in cancer biology and as a model system to test the efficacy of vaccines, but their use is becoming increasingly limited because of...

University of Cape Town

A Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner applies magnetic fields to a human or animal in order to generate an image of a specific region of the body. Due to a number of internal and...

University of Cape Town


Biomedical studies (e.g., prosthetic development and injury rehabilitation), sports science research, high-performance optimization research and assessments, and bipedal or quadraped...