SDG Intro

Goal 9: Industry, innovation & infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Steady progress has been made in the manufacturing industry. To achieve inclusive and sustainable industrialization, competitive economic forces need to be unleashed to generate employment and income, facilitate international trade and enable the efficient use of resources.


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University of South Africa

The invention relates to a method of fabricating a commercially viable biodegradable and transparent resistive random-access memory (ReRAM) chip with substantially high (>7 orders of magnitude)...

University of South Africa

The technology relates to an upright tubular fixed-bed reactor body comprising of a heat-dissipating pipe, which extends from the reactor tube wall, to ensure that heat is effectively transferred in...

University of South Africa

The technology relates to an improved method for reclaiming waste beer from a brewing process. The process ensures the sterilization and re-use of beer that would otherwise be lost in the brewing...

University of the Western Cape

Baobab LIMS is an African-led innovation that was developed as part of the B3Africa consortium. It is an affordable sample and laboratory management tool for biobanking that has been implemented in...

University of South Africa

The technology relates to a new generation of telecommunications and data processing technology with improved wavelength sensitivity in the visible and near-infrared wavelengths range rather than...

University of South Africa

A low-cost, portable, self-aligning rooftop wind turbine designed to capture moderate velocity wind and generate electricity efficiently for household use. Large-scale wind turbines in South Africa...

University of the Western Cape

Connecting Communities

Zenzeleni is a solar-powered, community-owned Wifi telecommunications network solution providing affordable communications to remote rural areas. Through the use of wireless...

Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Coarse particle transportation is essential for moving slurries, or fluids containing very high concentrations of pulverised solids, for example, hydraulic transport of coal ore or waste materials...


Support services


Directech (Pty) Ltd is a mechatronics innovation and development company that specialises in bespoke industrial turnkey solutions, comprising of robotic solutions, machine building solutions...