The invention relates to an energy-generating system that makes use of polyethylene plastics (that would otherwise result in environmental pollution) to produce synthesis gas (syngas). Unlike conventional gasification systems that rely on oxygen, this system ensures that the gasification of
The technology relates to a system which harvests thermal energy from various sources (e.g., sunlight, cars, power plants, factories and other industries) and converts it into electricity. In this system, heat energy is harvested and then stored in a storage tank, using water as energy storage
The invention relates to a low-cost, portable, self-aligning rooftop wind turbine designed to capture moderate-velocity wind and generate electricity efficiently for household use. Current large-scale wind turbines in South Africa are located far field and the energy generated must be transported
The technology relates to an upright tubular fixed-bed reactor body comprising a heat -dissipating pipe, which extends from the reactor tube wall, to ensure that heat is effectively transferred in highly exothermic reactors such as Ficher-Tropsch, which are prone to heat build-up. The heat pipe is
Our platform provides these women with a turnkey, affordable marketplace solution inclusive of payment gateway, courier and access to small business finance. A community where female entrepreneurs can support and uplift each other in business whilst navigating life's other challenges. Keeping in
Postharvest table grapes are susceptible to fungal infection even when stored at the optimal temperature of −0.5°C. The most important pathogen of stored Table Grapes is grey mould, which is caused by Botrytis cinerea. Some countries fumigate their grapes with sulphur dioxide gas. However, if the
The Bambara Groundnut, or round bean, is widespread in Africa where it is known by various names. It has potential as a cash crop, owing to its nutritional composition, functional properties and antioxidant potential. Consequently, we at CPUT have used the Bambara Groundnut as a raw material to
The North-West University (NWU) has pioneered the novel use of Europium-Tellurium-Oxide (ETO) in the production of clean energy. ETO is a light-chargeable catalyst material that exhibits sustained and enhanced activity after light excitation has ended. Its unique characteristics present an
Surfactants are amphipathic molecules with both hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties that partition preferentially at the interface between fluid phases such as oil/water or air/water interfaces. Such characteristics confer excellent detergency, emulsifying, foaming, and dispersing traits, which
The collection and preservation of biological material for further DNA and RNA analysis are critical to many biomedical fields, from medical diagnostics to forensics and biodiversity conservation. The Forensic DNA lab at the University of the Western Cape has developed a novel, proprietary DNA
The skin represents the first physical barrier to protect our bodies from harmful toxins, pathogens and dangerous environmental factors and plays an important role in social and visual experiences. South Africans have used traditional herbal medicinal products to increase immunity in
Reseller-Solutions is a web-application that helps resellers, who want to generate quotes and deliver goods, by reducing the vulnerability of changing prices and providing them with a live feed system. The mobile application bridges the gap between the Reseller and Suppliers to ensure resellers can