Chalcopyrite is a common but low-grade copper ore, and NWU researchers have developed an innovative method to improve copper dissolution and extraction from this mineral. This is achieved by harnessing galvanic interactions between chalcopyrite and magnetite, they achieved more efficient copper
A mobile application to facilitate the efficient delivery of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) which are dependent on a multi-embedded supply chain coordination for the distribution of malaria drugs. The distribution of these is hampered by a lack of coordination among stakeholders
The invention relates to the use of maghemite nanoparticles at pH less than 5 to remove sulphate, manganese, copper, nickel, cobalt and zinc metal ions from acid mine drainage (AMD). In conventional AMD treatment, these pollutants are only removed at higher pH, and that requires costly alkaline
Postharvest table grapes are susceptible to fungal infection even when stored at the optimal temperature of −0.5°C. The most important pathogen of stored Table Grapes is grey mould, which is caused by Botrytis cinerea. Some countries fumigate their grapes with sulphur dioxide gas. However, if the
The Bambara Groundnut, or round bean, is widespread in Africa where it is known by various names. It has potential as a cash crop, owing to its nutritional composition, functional properties and antioxidant potential. Consequently, we at CPUT have used the Bambara Groundnut as a raw material to
The invention relates to a novel process of partial oxidation of un-agglomerated chromite ore in ferrochrome production processes. The process includes the steps: Providing a source of un-agglomerated chromite ore; subjecting the source of un-agglomerated chromite ore to pre-oxidation at a
The North-West University (NWU) has pioneered the novel use of Europium-Tellurium-Oxide (ETO) in the production of clean energy. ETO is a light-chargeable catalyst material that exhibits sustained and enhanced activity after light excitation has ended. Its unique characteristics present an
Surfactants are amphipathic molecules with both hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties that partition preferentially at the interface between fluid phases such as oil/water or air/water interfaces. Such characteristics confer excellent detergency, emulsifying, foaming, and dispersing traits, which

An irrigation sprinkler riser technology which comprises of a flexible tubular body which is installed to join from the lateral water supply pipe to the sprinkler head, allowing adjustable positioning of the sprinkler at various angles or directions by means of an adjustable knob. The body of the

Conventional irrigation sprinklers which are fitted with rises pipes above the ground are prone to mechanical damage and disorientation. As a result, the lifespan of the irrigation system is shortened or the potential of irrigation systems to optimally irrigate the required surface areas are

Academic staff rating index (AR Index) is an interactive platform for supervision management. It is designed to enhance the student-supervisor relationship while also providing a rating index for supervisors. AR index aims to improve transparency and quality of academic student supervision by

Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is an aquatic weed which has one of the highest growth rates of all plants in the world. This fast-growing plant causes numerous problems in water bodies. These problems are related to navigation, recreation, irrigation and hydropower generation. The complete